Tired of lifting heavy things!

So, I was going to post yesterday but didn’t want to be overwhelming with the whole blogging thing.  The day started at about 9:30 am getting ready to set up a new rack of tanks.  In the past, my hubby’s best friend has lived across the driveway so I have gotten out of a lot of the heavy lifting…this was not the case for this set up.  It started with clearing the space.  There used to be an old school big screen TV here but it has been a blank space for a while now.


Cleared out the clutter…now it was ready.


Got to the barn and started picking out what was going to fill this empty space.


Now the harder part, loading the truck with what we picked out of the barn that we were going to use…that was made easier because my awesome father-in-law was out there too to help the hubby load the truck (also a special shout out to his neighbor for letting us borrow his truck).


So far no heavy lifting for Shelly yet…Life was good!

Now that we are home…all bets are off.  Now we have to unload this stuff, get it through the ridiculous downstairs door, and maneuver it around the corner on the staircase…there was some morning swearing going on here!  6 foot 7 inch long Iron tank stand…me and the hubby trying to make this happen…It worked out…barely!

Here are a couple of photos of the turns we had to make.

Through this door:


Down the stairs and around this corner:ImageImage

Those of you who have lugged stands and tanks up and down stairs know what a PITA it is to have a 90 degree turn on your staircase.

The stand was set up and leveled:


Now we had to carry tanks down…a much easier task as the largest one was a 65 gallon. Once they all made it down and on to the stand we returned the truck, went grocery shopping (we needed vinegar to clean the barn funk out of the tanks), and let the tanks come to room temp.


Now it was time to leak test the tanks to make sure they didn’t lose their seals from being in the barn.


So far so good!  Overnight no leaking.  Now today they get filled up all the way for a week or so to make sure they still don’t leak.


Now that we have added these tanks we are at 26 tanks for a grand total of just over 1,000 gallons.  Now the fun part…planning what will go in them!

All I can say is…I am tired of lifting heavy things!!

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